Thursday, October 30, 2008

troia:la verdad e la ficcion

lo q nos diz la archeologia es q este pueblo mitologico , q hace mucho fica en turquia, conocio una vida continua dd el 3ºmilenio a.c. asta bem dentro del imperio romano e q solo c. el cirstianismo e el islamismo hay deçado de ser habitada .famosa por la iliada e odisseia d´homero el poeta-cego , es una possiblidad la epoca de priamo e aquiles pero non acabo en el periodo micenico q es lo de la saga

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

tomas more and comunism

he was a renaissance man, english, a church saint, henry viii shoped of his head and he wrote utopia which is the ideal society and has a portuguese. in this society folks hould work only 4 houers a day, sleep in the same bead and eat in the same table. he was married and had only doughters and so his wife, that like al renaissance women were al wise, tought to them the languages of the time which were the arabic(which is stil speaked from the persian gulf to marroco), the latim(no one today speaks it), the grek (language of the new testament and of greece) and hebrew that is the language of israel and the old testement


it was the xix century and was invented the incandescent lamp by edison which invented also the hiroelectric damn, there was city gas, the elevator, the telephone , the steel and so in chicago in 1870 it was started to built the first sky-crapers of history while in the west were stil going on the indian wars and this apened in north america

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

michel giacometti

i was a kid and saw in portuguese fascist tv its programs , with its wolkswagen van runing trough this country, interviewing the people, coleting its music and artwork. its progrtams apeared at tv during night and the portuguese popular music museum its in estoril, cascais and the work instruments are in setubal. he was corse

Monday, October 27, 2008

india una de las mas viejas civilizaciones del mundo

nascio en redor del indo e daqui su nombre india pero esto rio se queda hoy en el pakistan de modo q todos hay pakistanis, indianos e bengalis q son todos indianos. hoy esto pais es la 10 economia del mundo, esto més ha lançado tb un satelite prá lua, tiene mas de 2 millones (tudo gente alta/ qualificada)d´emigrantes en el mundo. es la industria e los serviços lo que la mueve pero continua sendo una de los principales productores de especiarias e se quedan sendo los alemanes q las compran(compravan a los italianos e arabes, dp portugueses e dp britânicos) e ahora compran a los indies

Sunday, October 26, 2008

7ªlegião de julio pra portugal

la original era la legion q a acompañado julio en la conquista de als galias e dp hay renacido en portugal c/o grupo de musica, mexclava el rock c. la musica celta. los hay escuchado en el castillo de vila da feira, portugal, a pocos kms sud de porto, en un castillo lleno de gente q se continuava a tutiar c/o sp la havia hecho. solamente han hecho 3 lps

manoel d´oliveira movies that the wide majorety of portuguese never saw

manel is portuguese, is from porto, is the movie decane of the world movies but the fact is that the wide majorety of portuguese never saw one of its movies and their payed with taxe payers money and these movies don´t reflect nothing of portuguese culture or society

Friday, October 24, 2008

2009:80 years of tv

next year will make 80 years since bbc started with tv transmissions and nearly 40 years ago al the planet was covered by tv. i grew up with her, i used to saw everything when i was a kid , teenager and adult duriing fascism and democracy in portugal but today portuguese tv is simply a crap full of você which dind´t existed in portuguese before was evented by tv a few years ago and thye teache us it

cristians, jews and muslims

acording to the coran , thi´s general cutlrue which i know since kid, jesus was the son of mary last profet before maomé. jews, cristians because theire pepole´s from the book have the same right to paradise as islamists

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the siesta in portugal

the siesta(sesta) it was usual in tras-os-montes(behind the hill) cause the wide majorety stil live in the filed and this portuguese province is the wide majorety of north, it was stil common in alentejo which represents the wide majorety of this country. sesta is very useful for if you´re tierd just /houre of rest and you recuper forces for the rest of the day

Monday, October 20, 2008

os ultimos spitfires do mundo em espinho

em espinho existe un aerodromo q era una base aerea e hace 50-60 años tenia los ultimos spitfires del mundo q cruxaran los cielos de londres aqd de las comemoraciones de briton´s batle qd los 800 pilotos britânicos enfrentaran los millares de la luftwafe cercados por 1 europa ocupada plor los nazis e los sovieticos eran aliados destes ultimos

los alemanes los turistas q llenavan portugal e hora van a baleares

asta pocos años portugal táva lleno de turistas, el pais táva preservado e le gente se tutuviava c/o sp lo a hecho, la gd maioria de los turistas q venian a portugal eran alemanes muchos portugueses an hecho namoro con alemanas. ahora el pais es nuevo, se habla la lengua de las telenovelas braileñas e todos los fins de semana 500 000 d´alemanes van a baleares de voo charter

Sunday, October 19, 2008

o transiberiano

a » linha de comboio do mundo,dd moscovo até á china, aventura pla siberia, plo oriente russo coberto pla floresta da taiga q é a » floresta virgem do mundo. tenho nas viagens sem fronteiras, q é das selecções(e esta editroa é americana e tudo dela em português vinha do brasil) ,q é de 73 e q li qd era miudo c. muitas ilustrações e em portugal era o tp do fascismo e no brasil os militares e na russia o comunismo

la radio en portugal

la gd maioria escucha radio local ou regional q, en la gd maioria, se queda tutuiando. las radios nacionales conosci mucha gente q haz radio e q toda el mondo los tutuiaba e estos tutiaban todo el mundo e ahora estan en raidos nacionales usando el usted e es esta gente q espalla el usted q asta poco non existia en portugal. una radio nacional es rfm, de la iglesia, q te trata por usted e todas las carreteras parecen q tienen contracto con esta estacion e lo mm se passa con la gente desta radio con las radios locales q conosci

Friday, October 17, 2008

eduardo souto moura: do porto al mundo

este architecto se hay formado en el porto, hay sido aluno de siza-vieira e lo queda tutuiando c/o sp, continua trabajando el porto e tb es prof. en harvard e era comunista, haz obras en todo el mundo

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

antonio variações do minho pró pais

erea minhoto, cabelereiro, viveu em lisboa e morreu novo. escreveu canções q toda juventude conhecia, cnações q muitos grupos portugueses cantam até hoje e os seus discos ainda hoje vendem c. o antonio a cantar

Monday, October 13, 2008

el grego:lengua de la biblia

todo mundo estuda en la escuela la grecia quando dá en la escuela la antiguidad classica, los estudantes portugueses lo estudian en lo 7ºaño e solo non la estudaivan los analfabetos e quien tiene la 4ªclasse fora isto sp ha hecho parte de la hist.universal, el greco es una de las lenguas da bilbia pues en esta lengua ai sido escritos los evangellos e gente de todo el mundo va a grecia por sus playas e sus monumentos pues todo mundo la estudia en la escuela

Sunday, October 12, 2008

homero poeta-cego autor d´obras imortais

homero era cego, d´acordo c. alenda, e terá criado a iliada e a odisseia isto há 3000 anos e isto tá na hist.universal, faz parte da materia d´hist. de todo mundo e em portugal dá-se isto no 7º ano e só ñ davam os analfabetos e quem tem a 4ªclasse fora isto sp fez c/o faz parte da materia d´hist. de todo mundo

Friday, October 10, 2008

houses for portuguese teachers

in the xix century cont ferreira, which was born poor, built lots of schools in portual, this al had houses for teachers an in the xx this was falowed and the education ministry and councils built houses for them. so when a teacher had to start far from his land he had where to stay not anymore for this houses were bought , in many cases, by non teachers

Thursday, October 9, 2008

bob dylan:eterno candidato al nobel

oy in portugal ya non se escucha a este cantante pop en la radio e tv hace c. de 10 años pero ello continua activo, tiene sp nuevas canciones e su musica tb la juventud portuguesa las conocia e cantava . el año passaod hay recibido el premio principe d´asturias de las manos de filipe e sofia, esta cerimonia passa en la tve , es el maior trobador de todos los tps, eterno candidato al nobel, sus musicas e ltras han influenciado a mucha gente

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

s.joão da madeira ,land of workers and cons

this land was made by workers, industry created oportunity for folks from al portugal that came to here but now this is memory. industry as closed, lots of migrants to u.k., france, schwitz, spain. late yers i knew lots of folks that worked for yars on term contractas of 6 months, this for years, when they went to efectivate they were send away and this was very common before the crisis, portugal , in europe, has the eighest term contracts workers of nearly 1/4 of its active population and so lots of folks migrated and industry colapsed

Monday, October 6, 2008

slavics:geting rich with western money

slaves, those who live in the east europe after the germans, are well qualified , have their history preserved, anture preserved, have at the same time good infraestrucutres and they recived this from the comunists. comunism colapsed, they were in trouble but had a very good suport of germany which helped them alot, now thei´re growing, stable democracies, triliões of western dolares invested there and now they face short of workers

Saturday, October 4, 2008

turkey :from america to portugal

the wilde turkey stil exists in north america from its originated but when i was a kid and young adult i too heat him in portugal, during christmas. until i was 10 i lived in a village, santiago de riba-ul, oliveira d´azemeis, here i had a house with a yard where we rised chikens, ducks and even rised turkeys, after we moved in to a flat at 10 and we stil eated it. in portugal lots of folks, when i was a kid, rised this byrd , they sell it and eat it for the wide majorety lived in houses and had yards

Friday, October 3, 2008

o jornalinho: canal 2 q desapareceu

este telejornal prós + novos em q toda a gente se tratava por tu era 1 explo de rigor jornalistico, de profissionalismo, pois dáva-te a cultura, a sociedade, a economia, curisosidades de todo o tipo e era daddo todos os dias ao fim da tarde na rtp2 e pura e simples/ desapareceu

pedro pinto do jornalinho na 2 prá cnn

o pedro ainda há poucos anos apresentava o jornalinho no canal 2, q eu via todos os dias + a mãe q tem quase 80 anos e muito gostava deste telejornal prós + novos, agora tá na cnn e vejo-o frequente/ neste tv americana global a apresentar noticias de desporto e todo mundo o vê

Thursday, October 2, 2008

os açores:sua economia

este archipelago português vive da terra e do mar, assim o principal continua a ser a agricultura e foram varios os ciclos q conheceu assim foi o dos cereais, da laranja, do tabaco e ananás, d´há algumas decs os laticinios e agora, c/o o territorio tá bem preservado c. tudo o q foi construido dd o sec.xv, tá emf ranco desenvolvimento o turismo

açores no caminho do mundo

os açores tão nas rotas maritimas e aéreas de todo mundo, aqui passa gente de todo mundo e isto dd sp pois já na i.moderna a frota da carreira das indias, q eram os galeões espanhois c. a prata d´america latina q allimentava a economia do mundo, passavam por aqui e assim continua a ser

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

gerês turism al around the year

this was the firts national park and was created during fascism, its divided between minho and barroso which is tras-os-montes, borders with galicia spain and during weekends, al year round, is full with turists that go there to walk, ride, etc among the nature and everybody treats as you(tu). every weekend its thousands of turists trought the serra(sierra)