Sunday, May 31, 2009

treasures and work

adam smith was scottish and philosopher and he wrotte :the wealth of nations wihch is work and for this is considerated the founding phater of contemporanean economy as we know. 1776 year of america´s independece declaration. beofre was mercantilism which that that the wealth of nations was intreasuring gold and silver

Monday, May 25, 2009

laws in the west and portugal

in any civilized country in western world laws are made also from the people, this vots lwas, rejects, presents laws proposals, governments propose laws to the people but not in portugal . its suposed to be a democratic country sicne 25th april 74 but laws are made basicaly in portuguese parliement nand ogvernment

Sunday, May 24, 2009

gfraga iribarne de delfim de franco a presidente de la xunta de galicia

fraga era 1 delfin de franco en el tp de la dictadura e passó a la democracia, presidente del pp, eterno candidato a presidente del governo español e sp derrotado en las urnas hasta poco fué el presidente de la xunta de galicia qd hay sido replaçado por toriño del psoe e el bgn e queda siendo gallego

Saturday, May 23, 2009

zeca afonso prof e musico

dizem q o zeca morreu na miseria mas a realidade é q ele enchia, em vida, palcos pra o ouvir cantar, os discos dele vendiam aos milhares neste pais e toda a gente tinha 1 disco dele. o zeca era d´aveiro, formou-se em coimbra e chegou a dar aulas em portugal e angola

antonio barreto :ex-comunist, trasmontano and teacher

he was comunist, went to study in coimbra and conspired against the ditature and so he migrated to schwzitz where he conclued his studies and sicne democracy returned to portugal he stoped from being comunist, he started to give lessons in lisbon and his naturaly you(tu) for is a teacher and like al from tras-os-montes(behind the hill) he learned that você is the beast

patagonia:galeses e gauchos

o nome foi dado pla expedição de fernão magalhães. é a gd » d´argentina , os patagões já só existem no nome da região e tem muitos nomes celtas dos emigrantes galeses q pra lá foram no sec.xix, aqui vivem tb os gauchos q vivem da criação de gado, vacas e ovelhas, e claro q continuam a andar a cavalo

Friday, May 22, 2009

russia :from main oil suplier in the world beside saudi arabia to main energy producer

russia is rich in natural ressources and since the comunist colapse that its being enriched with petrodolars for its the main oil producer outside opec and now is the main energy producer in the world for to this is haded gaz . see that it was soviet times when gaz from siberia started to the taps in western europe except fro iberia. due to this it has uge money reserves, all his debts created pós-comunism are payed and now many russians are among the topest world´s richest mans

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

edgar morin:ainda vivo e alive

já fiz o 12º em 84 e deixei de ter filosofia mas edgar morin era obrigatorio principal/ qd se dava o mito primordial da origem da vida q todos os povos têm e q explica a origem do cosmos e da vida. ainda é vivo e vem proximo dia 22 ao instituto piaget a viseu e é 1 verdadeiro psichanalista e psichiatra

college libraries are like in pharmacies

there´s a sayng in portugal that in chemestries there´s al and i say colege libraries are like chemestries where you can find a book for everything but in portugal folks don´t read norwdays not even know portuguese in fact the most read papers are sportif ones and not generalists

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

el superhombre de nietzsche

qd era comienços de mi teenagering c/o todos los jovens portugueses leia a este filofoso aleman q ai morrido loco, q usava el sarcasmo e hablava del superhombre e nosotros filosofavamos sobre todo. los nazis lo an lido tb e acreditavan q el suprehombre era fisico pero este está en tu cabeça, és espiritual, tu és el superhombre e non una question fisica e esto está perdido hoy en portugal

Monday, May 18, 2009

austronauts, comosnauts and taikonauts

when i was a kid during fascism i already knew that the austraunauts were the americans, the cosmonauts the russians, now i know that the tiakonauts are the chinese but in portugal nowardays folks don´t know this due to the bad teaching, bad tv that alomst now one sees anfd other things for when i was a kid i had, for exple, the walt disney cartoons taht came from brazil and i collected, like al kids, during fascism croms that talked of space, the conquest of space and now al this doens´t exist

Sunday, May 17, 2009

aleijadinho:brasilian esculptor barroco, leproso

era el siglo xviii , vivia en minas gerais hamosa por sus minerios . hijo dum português e d/a esclava negra e tenia lepra. hay hecho esculpturas q son hamosas en todo el mundo en su provincia natal minas gerais mas concreta/congonhas do campo, para las hacer necessitava dun cincel e escopo q lle amarravan a los puños e assi hay hecho obras q ahora la gente en portugal non conosce

martin luther king: civil rights by peaceful means

he was black, american, graduated by harvard,a preacher and was shoot with a bullet cause he defended negros rights, he used peaceful means, the non violence draging crowds to his cause. i knew this already when i was a kid duringt fascims in portugal and altough this is universal history kids nowardays don´t know him in portugal

Saturday, May 16, 2009

sieyes;o poder vem de cima e a confiança vem debaixo

era abade, andou na revolução francesa e a sua familia tá bilionaria c. o unico livro q continua a ser lido em todo mundo:o q é o terceiro estado?(nós o povo). dizia q o poder vem de cima e a confiança de baixo, coisa q em portugal esta gente ainda ñ compreendeu pois é burra, têm cunhas e arranjam cunhas pra quem é burro, assim a constituição escrita + antiga do mundo é a americana q o povo referendou em 1787 . napoleão foi nomeado imperador por 3500 000 de votos a favor e 2500 000 de votos contra e durante 20 anos foi invencivel, de tenente a imperador, a reacção venceu temporaria/ mas os ideais da revolução espalhados por este acabaram por triunfar e dizia-se q dp de napoleão o mundo nunca foi + o mm e eu sei disto dd miudo coisa q hoje em portugal ninguém sabe devido á radiotv q temos dd q vieram os privados

Thursday, May 14, 2009

vinhos europeus em baixa no mundo

vejo todos os dias a bbc e cnn e já há anos q estas tvs reportam aumento da venda de vinhos vindos d´america, australia, africa do sul, chile em crescente venda enqt os europeus, q s~os principais vendedores e produtores do mund , vêm decrescer a sua venda e procura

spain exporter of doctors and nurses

portugal has shortage of doctors and nurses, if you ant to go to medical school you need to ahve 18-19 valors and so mnay portuguese students go to spain, u.k. and chec republic and in pilsen, famous by its beer, half of students in medical school ar portuguese and so portugal imports phsisicians and nurses from spain, this late country exports also these kind of professionals to france and north america

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

roma vive en el inglês

en inglês meo nombre se diz augustus, marcus aurelius c/o se dicia en latin. en inglês hay las millas, los piés, las jardas, la onça q tb se usava en el imperio romano qd este ia daqui a´la frontera c. arabia. el imperio romano, roma sigue vivindo en el inglês

Monday, May 11, 2009

spain banks ok, lots of profits, portuguese bank bankrupt

the bigest spanish bank, santander, had last year a profit of nearly 9 billions and 2 billions this last q, bbva had also a profit fall of nearly 5% but it earned 1250 millions, la caixa (which belongs to barcelona) had a net profit nearly the same. all had a fall of 5%, note that caixas in spain belonged to the municiplities during franco´s regime and with democracy this continued and was haded to the regions. not that la caixa, e bbva, each, had a profit equivalente to teh profit of al portuguese banks, that barcelona and madrid each move as much money as all portugal

los medicis e la burguesia

c/o és de la hist.universal e tb se estudia en portugal c/o sp se hay estudiado la burguesia hay saldio del pueblo e en la edad media los reys se an apoiado en ellos para alicerçar su poder , el absolutismo. los medicis eran burgueses , vivian de empresatar diñeor á la nobleza, al los reys, a la iglesia e unificaran toscânia e se an tornado graos-duques d esta provincia italiana , uno medicis hay sido papa, 1 medicis hay sido reina de francia e su dinastia hay terminado hace 300 años

Sunday, May 10, 2009

the moor in portugal:now forgetten due to present radiotv

acording to the people portuguese fountains had enchanted princesses moors, in the romaria castro, vila de feira, when archeologists whent there deging (castros are from the time of celts and lusitanos) the people there whent escavating thinking that it ould find moorish tresours. alexandre parafita wrotte a book :lendas e tradições mouras, which he recoleted lestening to the people in tras-os-montes(behind the hill) and this momory is stil present among the people. generaly speaking al this if forgotten due to present tv and radio sicne it apeared the privats in radiotv portuguese

Saturday, May 9, 2009

nuno alvares pereira :from bastard to saint

he was a medieval portuguese knight, sun of the hospital prior, a bastard like al his 18 brothers and sisthers. during portugal war with castilla for its independence, the high noblity took the castilla said and the bastards and people th part of the avis prior also a bastard of pedro o cru with a women of the people, and nuno was tha army chief and he conducted portuguese army into victory and also portugal over castilla . i knew all this when i was a kid , like al kids and played to wars among other things, i made wooden swords . now al this is forgotten in portugal due to the present portuguse massmedia and now he became a saint by rome

espinho:muerta e enterrada

ayer hay venido del porto de tren por espinho, sali e ai camiñado por la marginal. mucha gente, c/o de soctume, pero el comercio sien gente e en todo lado non humador, los comercitnate hablan 1 lenguage q és estrebaria para la gd maioria de los portugueses qd era tudo tu e non saben leer nadie pues non es proibido humar en aldo alguno pues la ley es opcional e se tienes espacio, exausttion, contacto directo con el exterior e ventilacion puedes hacelo lo q aonctece es q en portugal la gente és analfabeta apesar de hace c. de 300 años se tentar ensiñar esta gente a leer, escrivir e contar

Friday, May 8, 2009

the wealth of the nations:work!

for long time it was believed that the wealth of the world was having gold and silver but in 1776(year of america´s independence declaration)adam smith came with his book :the wealth of the antions:work! founding contemporanean economy which is based in work, arbeit, werk, laboro, trabalho, trabajo

to be a knight

when i was a kid during fascism in portugal i read in primeiro de janeiro, each sunday, pricne valiant and i played wars like al kids. as its sayd in al history books someone was gived knightood
and he went troughtout the world with is horse adn aid doing what he swered to defend al maidens, the weeks and defenseles cause he swered to do so and even today the queen gives knightood to many people

the knight :true and false

during medieval times people could rise from the people into knightood with services to the king, with services to the country and this was one way of promoting folks in medieval times for kings to reinforce thier power seked an aliance with the people against nobility and churche and al this is teched in school in history across the west. al this is in al universal histories across the world and so i studied in portugal

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the law:abstract and universal

one can learn in history and law that the law is abstract and universal, this means for al , for the law comes from the people to the people, the citizen and this rules across the world. this principle comes from the greco-roman law that was recuvered in late midle ages-renaissance and gained force with xviii century revolutions(british, american and french). for this there ain´t an diference between private and public for the law is for al

Monday, May 4, 2009

suzy 4 missed from portuguese tv nearly 30 years

when i was a kid during fascism in portugal i uested to lestening to suzy in fascist portuguese tv. full of leather, guitarr and rock´n´roll. until now ono notice that she has died but with present portuguese tv and radio post-25th 74 it was a complet boykot , a blackout and its been 30 years since we stoped lestening to her music´s in portuguese radiotv demcratic

Sunday, May 3, 2009

mondadori from oscar niemeyer to il cavalieri

mondadori is in milan and sh´s the oscar niemeyer´s work builted 40 years ago and she belongs to il cavalieri that´s silvio berlusconi

mizia:from portugal to the world in portuguese andf spanish /tu)

mizia is fadista, sings fados,. a few years ago was condecorated by the paris mayor and runs torugh the world singing, fils concert halls with fado, with folks that don´t undersatand a bloody word of portuguese

same sayng about você in portugal

the wide majorety of portuguese treat as you(tu) naturaly and the wide mjorety says about the você that its the horses stable(você é estrebaria), the donkey, the ox sheet, the potato, the beast and if you talk to the wide majorety of the elderly in this country they can tell you this