Monday, June 22, 2009

madeirense and ukelele

the ukelele is portuguese cavaquinho a tipical portuguese kind of guitarr and was introduced by madeirenses(which are the naturals from madeira) in hawai in the late xix century

Saturday, June 20, 2009

frank lloyd right :1 architec q n´as pas etudier au beaux-arts

frank a apris tout son métier chez l ´atelier de louis sullivan q ´etáit engineer de lé cole de chicago avec les premiers tour-du-ciel,. l e ny times as présentait le mois dernier 1 video sur le 50 éme aniversaire de gungenhaim dérnier ouevre de frank. pour étudier architecture tu devrais allér á 1 école de beaux-arts e frank n´as pas étudier ni beaux-arts ni engenerie

Friday, June 19, 2009

l´arte africana e las bibliotecas portuguesas q ahora non la tienen

hasta poco tp la gd » de las bibliotecas portuguesas eran gulbenkian, toda la gente se tutuiava e estas tenian mucha arte africana. las bibliotecas se han tornado municipales e hay aparecido el usted e l´arte africana hay desaparecido destas

Thursday, June 18, 2009

mps british acounts published : a clear campaign to make the labour to lose elections

its been a while that it apeared in the world press acounts of british mps specialy of labour and this with perspectives of elections for the house of commons. quite q coincidence, isn´t?this apened in brasil before lula´s reelection, this apens in portugal with perspectives of local and legislatifs electiond this year! only rumour , nothing but rumour cause labour gonne whin in u.k. for parlement, in portugal in local whil continue to be the centre-right and for executive the socialists, in brasil lula whoned. its always the same patern with perspectives of elections, spread rumour for those in power to loose

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

antonio sérgio:portuguese educator

he was from damão in portuguese india and he educated many portuguese in the socialist and cooperativist ideary for generations. prolific he let us with his essays which are a never ending of books where he talks about everything making him a true portuguese philosopher whiping all . all this is stil publish by the lisbon publisher sá& costa

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

algunas palavras universales

en portugal café és café pero en españa, en francia, italia e inglés lo café português és expresso. toilette és francés e és universal . en inlgés ellos dicem latte(acfé au latte) au lait(café au lait) e penso q en esta lengua non existe el termino en inglés q en portugués és meia de leite

ten years after en moscow el año passado

los teen years after e deep purple deran concerto en moscow el año passado el presidente actual, medvevdev estávba lá e en el final hay marchado a los saludar. pero, nosotros , portugueses tenemos q escuchar a lo q oyamos hace 40-20 años devido a´lá mierda q és la mass media portuguesa actual. el hard rock, el r&b, el heavy mettal

Saturday, June 13, 2009

brasil:the 10th world economy

200 millions of habitants, 100 million midle class earning between 1500-5500 reais. in brasilian telenovelas you see a urban reality but what makes this country a world´s top economy is farming, in fact it receves bilions of $ from exporting food, it has al debts payed and this month gived 10 bilion dolars to the imf

Monday, June 8, 2009

gi:the american soldier:cut the crap, cut the bull

o gi é o soldado americano q fêz a sua entrada no mundo por alturas da ii gd guerra. irreverente, pensava por si pp, usava a cabeça, i verdadeiro guerreiro-filosofo q enchia os cinemas em portugal qq este pais tinha cinemas e te ensinava a pensar pla pp cabeça. a sua filosofia resumia-se a:cut the crap, cut the bull, go right to the point, say what you´ve got to say! don´t you bull me, don´t you crap me you sheet brian, you pea brain

daniel cohen bendit :do maio de 68 a eurodeputado em estrasburgo

daniel foi 1 das caras do maio de 68, comemorado o ano passado e q foi noticiado em todas as tvs do mundo,qd os estudantes e trabalhadores tomaram o poder na rua em frança forçando charles d´gaulle a demitir-se e ,d´há muito, aogra tá no parlamento europeu plos verdes onde é eurodeputado lutando por 1 mundo + verde, + ecologico

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

science and faith a false problema

catolic church recognizes evolution in fact many leading figures in science are priests . afterall mendel pahter of genetics was a cotolic priest. stphen whakings is a a leding figure among churches consultants for universe matters and he has the double role of being an andicaped who lives in a wheel chair and talks trough a computer

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

martini , cafés e espionagem

nos filmes d´espionagem havia sp o martini , a azeitona éra o transmissor e o palito a antena isot no tp da guerra fria entre americanos e soviéticos e já via isto qd era miudo no cinema e tv fascistas e ainda hoje nos cafés portugueses há muita gente q toma o martini apesar d´aogra já há muito ñ haver filmes d´espiões tanto + q os cinemas tão fechados e s~1 monopolio

tour eiffel .120 years

last month paris was in fest for tour´eiffel made 120 years. built to celebrate the 100 years of french revolution in the bigining it made lots of rumours for no one could see for wht was worth and now no one can passe witout her for besides celebrating french revolution it celebrates industrial revolution, it celebrates technology

Monday, June 1, 2009

europe´need qualified workforce

europe´s is getting old like the media reprts for years, many youngsters aren´t well qualified andf so europe needs qualfied workforce. see that in portugal, an europe´s country and eu , jobs are scarced and so youth has to bee well qualified for its only whay out is europe