Tuesday, March 31, 2009
g.i talk:american soldier that al portuguese knew and now don´t
hace non mucho tp los cines portugueses se llenavan para mirar a peliculas de 2ªgg, estos livros se vendian mui bien em portugal e muchos de nosotros, en el camping, saimos con muchachas q sus padres havian andado en esta guerra. g.i. talk és disser tudo, directa/, en la cara, no se quedar con problemas sin los reglar e la gente joven de hoy, en portugal, non disse nada, non diz nada salvo para disser bitocadas e hoy este tipo de cine e livro non existe mas en portugal. los cines estan cerrados e por esto ya non se llena con gente nin con 2ªgg nin con ninguna pelicula,
Monday, March 30, 2009
china, bbc , tv e censura
aqd de la crisis en tibet la bbc transmitia images directas de lo q se passava ali, entrevistava en directo a reporteros dentro de china e mas concreta/ tibet. esto era todos los dias, todas las horas e en ninguno momento china a hecho censura. bbc tiene reporteros en china e estos transmiten images directas desto pais ou images del dia en diferido
nietzsche, el superhombre e la juventud portuguesa
qd era chico, c/o la gd maioria de los jovens portugueses, leia a nietzsche q era aleman e hay morrido loco. este autor usava el sarcasmo, hablava del yo e del super-hombre q és una cosa mental, pues está en la cabeza e a partir deste nosotros filosofavamos de todo. teniamos 13, 15, 18 años , escuchavamos a doors, leiamos tb pornografia e david hume filosofo escocés del aufklarung(la gd maioria de los filosofos eran alemanes asta 100 años
Sunday, March 29, 2009
arts seven:a bar in s.joão da madeira that passes rock real live
it opens specialy at night , its in ranto araujo avenue , front to the central truck station and passes portuguese rock bands. it exists only for a few years , you can play fusebal, pool and at weekends, saturday afternoon, at night you can listened to real music live, damn good rock´n´roll
Saturday, March 28, 2009
el automovel electrico biliones dados por el govierno americano sin tocar
en el verano el govierno americano ay posto al dispor de la industria automovil americana c. de 25 biliones de dolares para q desrallen el carro electrico pero ninguno ai tocado en este diñero e en el salon del atuo de genebra , el passado més, los autos an apresentado sus verciones electricas
Friday, March 27, 2009
macartur:i´l be back q io sabia en el tp del fascismo e q la juventud portuguesa hoy non conesce
qd los americanos han sido derrotados en el pacifico su capitan-general era macartur q disse i´l be back , se ha tornado capitan-general de los aliados em el pacifico e conduziu ellos a la vitoria sobre japon e se tornou governador deste pais sob mandato de la onu e hay organizado los niponicos de tal modo q hoy son de los pueblos ams pacificos drel mundo, son los mas ricos c. c. de 15 triliones de dolares e la empresa és una familia para c/a trabajador e se queda sendo la 2ªeconomia del mundo adonde se trabaja en equipa , por consensus
los atls , el você, los estudiantes q non saben nada
hace c. de 10 años fueran criados los atls em portugal adonde los chicos estan ocupados, hacen sus deveres e suposto aprederen fuera de la escuela. pero los chicos vienen con el você, non saben nada de nada, non saben hablar de nada, non saben hablar e esto começa mui pronto. su cultura general és mui pobre hoy, non saben lenguas
boris vian el blues, el jazz
lajuventud portuguesa conica bien a boris vian, tiengo muchos de sus libros en el original el francés . era 1 escritor maldito , cuentos, escrevia al son del jazz e del blues e hoy la juventud portuguesa no lo concosce
pedro nuno santos:1 jovern viejo politico de q el pais está cansado
era 1 joven brillante, epnsava por su pp cabeça, fue electo, ahce uns años por la js portuguesa para secretario-geral e rapido, pronto hay ido al parlamento portugués a ahora es candidato por su partido al ayuntamiento de su peublo natal pero non tiene alguno chance pq ninguno lo conosce pues non marcha en la calle, non va al mercado, al shoping, al café, a la praça , ninguno consce sus ideas pelo minos entre los comunes mortales . su padre es 1 mui bien conocido industrial de su pueblo e por todo esto el ayuntamiento de s.joão da madeira vá a continuar sendo del psd
Thursday, March 26, 2009
contribuciones de los indios americanos al mundo
los conquistadores eran los españoles e los descobridores eran los portugueses e qd nosotros havemos arribado a america aprendemos con los indios elo ensiñmos a todo el mundo a cultivar e preparar el tabaco, el maiz, la patata, el cacau donde vem el chocolate, el feijão, el pimento, la abodora. qd era chico , en portugal, la gente vivia en casa con quintal e se criava galiñas, patos e perus e se comia esta ave el la navidad , c/o el peru hay venido de maerica del norte ali continua existindo el peru selvage q los indiso nos han ensiñado a crear e preparar e daqui a todo el mundo
gustavo brandão:1 musico portugués q nunca ha cortado el cabello e l abarba de lo tp en q la juventud era hippie
gustavo hay morrido esto dia, era professor de musica,hay estudiado filosofia em braga e começou a dar aulas en la academia de musica de s.joão da madeira e qd era chico ia á la iglisia d arrifana, vila da feira, mm llegada a s.j.m. e tocaba manfred mann, bob dylan e los viejos a curtir e sp con el cabello gd. hay morrido joven
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
brasil:world´s farm
america became the world´s grainiard in the xix century, france europe´s and in this begining of the xxi century brasil became the farm of the world . after many years of debts is stil agriculture that moves brasil to became one of the g20´s and now of nearly 200 millions habitants / are midle class and earn between 1500 and 5500 reais a month
cartoons in portuguese fascist tv and cinema that know are a memory
bugsbuny and duffy duck horsed around with helmer fud and ia saw this when i was a kid in portuguese fascist tv and teaters and saw during democracy. theaters were privats and tv was public, teaters weren´t a monopoly like they are now and there wasn´t privat tv til 91. sicne then everything changed, now there ain´t a cartoon on tv, in teaters before a movie.
during fascism and democracy before the present monopoly in cinema cinemas were ful, everybody treated as you(tu), there were cartoons before a movie, walt disney, french, yougoslavian, hungarian, canadian,bugsbunny and the likes and everybody laughed. cinema was for all, now the wide majorety of teaters are closed, cinema is a monopoly , ain´t for all,one doesn´t smoke (young and elders) in the intermezzo
during fascism and democracy before the present monopoly in cinema cinemas were ful, everybody treated as you(tu), there were cartoons before a movie, walt disney, french, yougoslavian, hungarian, canadian,bugsbunny and the likes and everybody laughed. cinema was for all, now the wide majorety of teaters are closed, cinema is a monopoly , ain´t for all,one doesn´t smoke (young and elders) in the intermezzo
john maynard keynes, eu e la crisis
la zona euro está sp en crisis, dd q ha sido criada q estagno, non cresce pq los q an creado los criterios de maastricht son unso burros. keynes ha morrido hace c. de 60 años e gaño mucho diñero con sus teorias economica, trabajava a aprtir de cambridge e dicia q para teneres pleno empleo tienes q alimentar la economia con el dificit publico e esta sigue siendo la politica de todo el mundo e la gd maioria cresce , esta es la politica economica de barack, de goerge bush, de la china, d´india, brasil, vietname
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
darwin en portugal
en filosofia en portugal se estudiava el mito primordial q todos los pueblos tenian pero en hist. e ciências naturales sp se ha estudiado la evolucion de las especies, q los primatas son nuestros primos. esto es mateira de todos en la escuela, sp lo hay sido e esto está en hegel con lo qual se terminava la filosofia en portugal . assi en la filosofia de la hist. qd este explica el processo historico c/o sendo moroso, lento, con rupturas, saltos, retrasos, avanços además del processo historico aqui tb tienes la evolucion de la especie antes de charles darwin
socrates:the youth degenerated
i studied socrates in philosophy like the wide majorety in portugal , for generations even during fascism and its knoledge know its lost for the wide majorety. socrates dind´t wrote a thing, we spoked with everybody trough greece streets, he talked with everyone about evrything, not difining a thing and he conducted folks to realise they dind´t know a thing and like him i talk with everyone in portugal about al kind of stuff and get inspired to writte about al kinds of things
america´s contribution for the world
i know since a boy that, indians in america tought us tobacco, potata, tomatoe, beans, the turkey, th maze, the chocolat. al this was general culture that everybody knew and now its lost , it was the general culture that one, when i was a kid during fascims, one said to take a degree in coimbra which was general cultural that no one needed to study in a college
luky lucke:a french creation with caracters taht existed iand places that stil exist in the west
luky lucke i started to read in tintin during portugal´s fascims when i was a kid. i contiunued to read during democracy and i stil got lots with the original translation and not what the one you can find nowardays. luky is a ficcion caracter created by french but al the personages he faces existed in the west and al places stil exist in the west. one of the first books i read when i was kid was with roy bean who was the law west , the one of the bullet, pecos , which stil exists, west of rio grande, which stil exists and marks the broder between texas and mexico.
luky faces roy and beats him with the brain and puts him telling stories to the children and selling coca-cola
luky faces roy and beats him with the brain and puts him telling stories to the children and selling coca-cola
Monday, March 23, 2009
chuke berry:the rock´n´roll from the fifties to berlinale
chuke was one of topest rock´n´rol names 50 years ago and of r&b, rolling stones, beatles sanged his songs and last year he was in the berlinale which is berlin´s festival when martin scorcese presented its last movie:shine a light , with the roling stones. alive and kiking!
portugal al brand new with european money and industry closed
in 76 mario soares was the portuguese pm and he putt us in the european adventure and so european money begun to come to this country and stil keeps on coming. portugal is , now, al brand knew but industry is almost closed, lots of folks have migrated, eu money keep on coming to a pit without bottom that blackout the memory of this country, to a country where people ain´t got a job, where fgolks have to migrat
bijou:a long gone in(tasca/o)in s.joão da madeira where students, graduats and workers getted toghter
bijou was a in in the centre of s.joão da madeira. here students, workers and graduats getted togheter whitout formality for many years . its been a few years since it closed because acording to police it dindn´t had 3 meters high of wall
indians and cowboys in north america:stil existing!
indians are the orginal americans and they stil exist in north america, fully integrated. alive and kiking. when i was a kid, in portugal, i like al kids played indians and cowboys. during world war ii in pacific macartur, which was the capitain-general , put american comunications in indians hands cause japanese knew american comunicaitons codes and they couldn´t understand indian languages
daniel boone:american dream, the selfmade man
when i was a kid,during fascims in portugal, i used to se in fascist tv daniel boone every saturday. y, like al kids, read its life which was sold togheter with kit carson, buffalo bill, david crocket cause lots of parents buy it for their kids. daniel existed , he lived til nearly 100 years , he was a mountaineer, a forest man, he went to no other white had gone before, made friends with indians and whites and fought with them, he lived from hunting, he made himself witout title or family genealogy and this is the american dream the man who made by himself which made america the bigest country of the world cause it was made with people from all the world. people from the old world to the new which is america
Sunday, March 22, 2009
germans and americans : the main philosophers
until 100 years ago the main thinkers were germans, the main philosophers and you can see this if you read a french author of course in french and since then its america where live the main philosophers from across the world, if you read a french writter in french you´ll se that they use lots of english and germna words, if you keep on reading you´ll find lots of references to germans and anglophile thinkers
Thursday, March 19, 2009
clâ e manela azevedo:portuguese rock´n ´roll
they exist for nearly 20 years, they´re from porto, manela is graduated in law by catolica in porto but how she sings, how she rock´s even with rain:pure rock´n ´roll, a stage machine
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
vincet van gogh and picasso the most valuable artworks of al time
30 years ago when color tv came to portuguese tv the first movie i saw was vincent by vincent mineli with kirk douglas featuring vincent and antony quinn guaguin. vincent genious madness made me fil paxionate. he wa dutch, made the wide majorety of his work in france, only sold 1 picture in his life for 500 francs and til recently his pictures were the most expensive in the world.
nowardays its pablo picasso, comunist, spanish, made life in france, cubism creater i saw directly in bbc works , directly from london and new york, of is being autioned by 100-150 million dolares
nowardays its pablo picasso, comunist, spanish, made life in france, cubism creater i saw directly in bbc works , directly from london and new york, of is being autioned by 100-150 million dolares
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
luky lucke :o oeste . lugares q ainda hoje existem, personagens q existiram
comecei a ler as aventuras deste personagem qd era miudo not p do fascismo, continuei a ler na democracia , comprava tudo no fascismo e na democracia qd era a bertrand e a meriberica. luky lucke é persongem de ficção mas os personagens c. quem ele contracena existiram no oeste, os lugares continuam a existir. assim c. o roy bean, este era alei a oeste de pecos, q existe, do rio grande, q existe e faz a fronteira entre o texas e o mexico. o roy existiu e era 1 velho trafulha cuja lei era a da bala e o luky venceu-o através da astucia e pô-lo a contar hist.s ás crianças e a vender coca-cola. toda a gente comprava isto mas era qd ainda toda a gente se tratava por tu ñ apenas na vida real mas tb na literatura, no cinema, em todo lado
o psicadelismo :de suproduto na cutlrua pop a gd corrente d´arte
qd era miudo o spciadelismo era 1 suproduto da cultura pop e restringia-se basica/aos desnhos animados na tv e cinema, fosse no tp do fascismo fosse no tp da democracia e, hoje, d´há uns anos pra cá , vejo isto em muitas exposições portuguesas, tornou-se 1 gd corrente da arte do sec.xxi. vejo muitos artistas com formação academica e trabalhar nesta vertente aqui em portugal
Saturday, March 14, 2009
anabasis. os 10 000, xenofonte
ainda tenho o lviro da primaria das minhas irmãs q lia qd era miudo e este tem a hist. dos 10 mil, aos quadradinhos, q sabia de cor qd era miudo. xenofonte era o seu capitão, discipulo de socrates, escreveu sobre este e a retirada dos 10 000. eram mercenarios, vendiam-se plo + alto preço, tavam rodeados d´inimigos no meio do imperio persa e, capitaneados por xenofonte, enfrentaram 1000 perigos e conseguiram vencê-los a todos e conseguiram chegar ao mar onde embarcaram em navios e voltaram á grecia
Friday, March 13, 2009
bridget jones:1 parvalhona mas q fala e chega-se a algum lado
este semana tenho estado a rever todas as noites o diario de bridget jones , q já vi no cienma há 5 anos. este tipo de series e filmes americanos e britânicos já via qd era miudo no tp do fascismo na tv e no cinema. bem eduactivos mas as gajs daqui ñ s~c/o elas pois neste tipo de filmes as gajas falam, dizem toda 1 serie de disparates mas 1 gajo chega a algum lado, há sp a possibilidade d´entendimento mas c. as portuguesas isto ñ é possivel. c. efeito nas gajs nacionais todas as emoções q estas passam estampam-se no seu rosto e só 1 cego é q ñ vê mas elas ficam emburradas, ñ falam, ñ desembucham e geral/ 1 gajo fica na estaca 0 c. elas, sp
Thursday, March 12, 2009
paulo brandão:motoqueiro e estilista de calçado
o paulo é d´arrifana, vila da feira, estudou no liceu joão da silva correia s.joão da madeira e era motoqueiro e continua a ser. qd estudava cá vinha de casa prá escola de mota, c/o muita gente, entrava em provas de motocross ainda chavalo e entretanto tirou, em s.j.m. o curso d estilsita de calçado. é 1 reputado estilista de calçado e continua a ser motoqueiro
nicolau copernico, monge, astronomo e os jesuitas
nicolau era monge , polaco e astronomo e veio dizer q o sol é o centro do universo isto muito antes de galileu e os jesuitas, q eram profs e dependiam só do papa, ensinavam isto nos seus colegios
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