Wednesday, March 25, 2009

cartoons in portuguese fascist tv and cinema that know are a memory

bugsbuny and duffy duck horsed around with helmer fud and ia saw this when i was a kid in portuguese fascist tv and teaters and saw during democracy. theaters were privats and tv was public, teaters weren´t a monopoly like they are now and there wasn´t privat tv til 91. sicne then everything changed, now there ain´t a cartoon on tv, in teaters before a movie.
during fascism and democracy before the present monopoly in cinema cinemas were ful, everybody treated as you(tu), there were cartoons before a movie, walt disney, french, yougoslavian, hungarian, canadian,bugsbunny and the likes and everybody laughed. cinema was for all, now the wide majorety of teaters are closed, cinema is a monopoly , ain´t for all,one doesn´t smoke (young and elders) in the intermezzo

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