Tuesday, July 24, 2012

portuguese society in xxi century is alienate which is a psichiatric concpet created by karl marx and still actual

leonardo coimbra was a portuguese teacher at porto  and died in 36 !was a great teacher , republican and intelectual in portugal now forgott but till 50 years ago livraria tavares martins in porto, now vanished in democracy, continued to publishe a library founded by him which inclueded this book from a french autor that explains you damn well karl marx and was duringfascism wiht lots of german and greek words and explains you damn well alienation , concpt created by karl and well use in psichyatry! only sigmund was gradueted in mmedicine all the rest were philophesers and all spoked damn well german and now in portugal people all are alienated and in this book jen-yves talks allot of alienation

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