Friday, December 14, 2012

portuguese,f ranche , german and english in portuguese schools in my time

in my itme as student in portugal there was portuguese, english, franch and german and tu in all this languages and nobody ahd portuguese exames and it was also tu in portuguese and evrybody used grammar, encicolpedia and deictionarie which were always lsuo-brtzailians!i finished 12the grade in 84 and in s.joão da madeira, oliveira d´aezmeis and over, portugal, all pretty close, there is instituto de linguas already 50 years ago where even today you can have the 4the grade to go there study languages and there was english , german and french and i made my english degree 21 years ago and studied with lots of folks which ahd the 4th grade and it was always tu also in portuguese!in alll portugal classes of english you talked in english , in german you talked in german and in french you talked in french

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