Tuesday, February 19, 2013

portugal gigante by pamplona general-inspector of the fascist schools in portugal and tu & vós in portuguese

portugal gigante is a vbook fascist portuguese that i reed when i was a kid during fascism in portugal written by pamplona, who was a fascist portuguese school general-inspector and portugal whent from minho to timor!like all fascist books is full of texts written by portuguese maçons  and anti-clericals from lilberalism like oliveira martins that dind ´t  had any degree and live from writtin history and was republican, maçon and socialist, felicianoc astilho that was bleynd and wrotte historic novels and lvied from this, alexandre herculano, still mandatory in my time in democracy in portuguese and history , that wrotte about history and historic novels all apssed in middle ages and was liberal and beated harsh, like all liberals, in the church

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