Wednesday, April 29, 2009

portuguese crisis ,libraries , movies and trasnlations

not long ago libraries were gulbenkian in portugal and everybody treated as you(tu), generations read time in english and paris-match in french that now you on´t find there. you´ll go to a bookstores everybody treated as you(tu). libraries became municipla and apeared você and sir, there´s você in books translated in portugal.
movies you see in the shopings and are a monopoly and you can´t smoke in the intermission while not long ago cinema belonged toa person , to a group of friends, in the intermission everybody wented to smoke in the bar and hall and it was you(tu).
well portuguese in its wide majorety know english for we had in public school and to study at night trough the british council with exame corrected in cambridge and so the wide majorety, of al ages treating as you(tu)studied for generacions and so portuguese fed up of cons go to amazon and buy booksd and movies witout translation and so portuguese translations of books and movies are in crisis for nothing is sell. i put a cunha trough a friend from politics to make translations of movies but nothing apened for in this country they get cunhas(splits) for the asses that don´t know nothing

toilete :from french to universal word

in portuguese cafés they stil know what is the toilete, its toilete in english , in german and rusian,enfim, universal word

café is dead in portugal

the café employee was the garçon, in the old caffé the seniors barmans stil know what is the toilete but now this is memory cause portuguese are teached by portuguese tv that teachs você(which is the horses stable for the majorety of portuguese) and there´s stil tobaco law which folks don´t know how to read for it isn´t forbettin to smoke cause the law is opcional and if you have space, exaustacion, outside contact or ventilacion you can smoke, folks don´t read , don´t know portuguese these days and so many cafés are bankrupt since the tobaco ban. the haverage client stil is you(tu) in any cafe , the barmans treat as you(tu) or sir but even the café employées treated all clients as you(tu) . what it apens is that folks nowardays are teached by telenovelas , by tvportuguese

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

switzerland a main german speaking country

in portugal there´s a sayng working like a swisse clock, to work well, damn well and in switz clocks are stil being made by the mountaneers and pesants during free time like always. in this country there ´s french speakers, itlain speakers but the wide majorety is german. socialists are the most voted paerty but al switz parties with seat in bern(german seking caonton) in the feederal parlment have a place in the federal government

Sunday, April 26, 2009

brasil a country the size of europ where reality is given trough rio

brasil has 8500000kms2 , only amazónia is half the country and what you is gived trough rio e s.paulo. scenary inbrasilain telnovelas is urban whereas waht is making its fortune is farming that made this country the farm of the world and makes that it has 100 millions of nearly 200 millions has an haverage salary of between 1500 to 5500 reais

french press like portuguese press :why so few listen or reads it

nicola, presidnte of france, last year quistioned french press:why ain´t more french reading , lestening or watching it and the same aplyes to the portuguese press that the wide majorety of portuguese don´t read, watch or lestining. simply because they don´t use an normal language like in english, spanish, german. vous its ofensive for the wide majorety of french like você its onfensive to the majorety of portuguese, portuguse say that você its the horse´s stable, the beast, th ass

Thursday, April 23, 2009

india the world´s bigest democracy and an exporter of work

india gained its independece from u.k. 62 years ago and rapidly became the bigest democracy in the world. one of the world´s eldest civilizations its groing fast and exports well qualified people across the world, graduated in its schools, indian workes are well apreciated in the world for thei´re well educated, know languages, well trained

teaching is a drag in portugal

in the 7th grade one studies ancient greece and rome as always as studied and of universal history its part that rome invented concrete cause roman art was a practical one and in the 8th grade its part renaissance with st.peter that is made of cement and all this is part of universal history and its aprt of hisotry of all pu+uils in portugal but youth doesn´t know this generaly speaking

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

las west indies ou caraíbas:esclavos , sol e playa

los habitantes de west idnies son negros en su maioria descendentes de los esclavos para el cultivo de la cana de açucar. aqui se habla inglês, castellano e francês e solo en estos ultimos rincones de america son colonias de frança e lo resto queda independiente. sol, playa, tropicos con multos tubarones e gente de todo mundo vá a´lá e hasta ahora sembla sin crisis

manchester and liverpool the begining of the contemporaenan world

in portgual it cames it school books of history, english and sciences that industrial revolution started in u.k. 300 years ago and its in al universla histories, like it always has been but students don´t know this because they simply don´t study. and it started with the steam engine in manchester and liverpool with the cothon from india and america and this was one of the main basis for contemporanean world

uk:making houses more green and enviromental friendly

since august that uk goverment is investing in making more than 30 milion houeses mora green, more energy eficient, more energy saving, more inviromentaly friends. at least 1 trilion and 200 billion dolares are being invested in this project. in portugal nothing is being done oultough we´ve being listening this kind of speach ever sicne i was a kid during fascism but portuguese now are rich cause everyone uses a carr and we´ve got lousy transportation public system that , execpt for the cities, doens´t work day and night in the country oultough billions have being poured in to thsi country sicne 76 when mario soares has put us in the european adventure

Monday, April 20, 2009

women´s vote

under salazar´s rule graduat women got the vote and also he created welfare for al except farmers , he created fnat which provided hollidays for al workers across the country. now al women got vote, but abstencion is the main party in portugal cause voters think that poiliticians are foony ballony. during fascism, marcelo´s presidency the welfare extended to the farmers, and fnat is inatel but its not for al workers just for a few

naif and psicadelic a mjor tendence in portuguese arts

when i was a kid during fascism and democracy in portugal tv and teaters had lots of cartoons which were al psicadelic under the efect of the acids and it was a sub-product of pop culture and for kids . now its a mjora tendence in portuguese arts scenario where artists with an academci background work damn well. another major tendencie is for artists, also with academic tendencies, to work as naifs which is suposed to be a kind of art without a major academic formation and you can se this in expositions across portugal

Saturday, April 18, 2009

u.porto(porto´s university)from politcnic to the bigest portuguese university

it was created by the liberals during the xix century , it was porto´s politcnic, later in 1911 the republic elevated to university and now is the bigest portuguese university where everything is teached and stands in the world as one of the 500 bigst top universities

Friday, April 17, 2009

studing and working in australia

portuguese australia embassy site is in english and of couse is naturaly you(tu) and it arranges you for going studing and working in australia a country that never ever new a crisis and so you can work payng for your studies wehile working there

Thursday, April 16, 2009

tascos(ins)in portugal now are made by brazilian telenvoelas

students and graduats portuguese used to flok to the ins , they were from both sexes, with workers, farmers,sailors, these late ones where mainly males and tucátulá bardamerda(you). now this is only memory cause ins are only in portuguese tv that passes telnovelas that looke their not portuguese but brazilians

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

austrália:continente-island whitout crisis

7.5000 000 kms2, sourround by ocean, the indic and pacific full of sharks where lots of folks surf, with the salt wather crocodile with 7 mtrs long that jumps from the water and calls you a snack. its basis is agriculture and mining sicne the first setlers which were deportees from u.k., a topest high living country

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

vital moreira:from comunism to sicialism and stil a law teacher

30 years ago he was a comunist and elected to portuguese parlement and a law teacher in coimbra university. its been a while since he let his comunist past and became a memeber of portuguese parlement with ps and he stil is a law teacher in coimbra a well reputed teacher of law

vapoligamia e poliandria na biblia q ninguém em portugal lê

en el villo testamento abraan era casado con sara q tenia 100 años e non lle dava 1 hijo e assi esta lle há arranjado hagar de quien tuve ismael de quien se diz q vienen los árabes e mas tarde sara lle hay dado 1 hijo de donde ven los israelitas e esto non es caso unico de poligamia en la biblia. 2º el nuevo testamento jesus tenia 2 padres, dios e josé e 1 madre, maria e esto es explo de poliandria

tenyears after, deep purple, emmiloy harris a live and kiking

in portugal one stil lestenes tho what one used to lestning 20-30-30 years ago of the cited groups but they´re still alive and kiking. see that then years after and deep purple gied a gig in moscow last year and the present president was there and in the final shooked theyr hands and the same hapens with emmilou harris that gived a gig in budapest last year and here in portugal , present radio and tv are full of sheet, onde stil lestenes to the old stuff

jean renoir inventor of the noire movie

jean was son of august renoir the impressionist painter and he invented the noire movie with femmes fatales that use to fall in love with you,broke your heart and shoot you down. but hollywood soon tooke the lied nearly 80 years ago with lots of bad guys and femmes fatales

lucky luke: made inf rance and passed in america,good sells in portugal during fascism and early democracy

i´ve got luky bought during fascism in portugal and i bought during democracy and was sold by bertrand and meriberica and it was al you(tu), now that is você no one buys it, bertrand doesn´t published and meriberica is gone. the caracters with which he contracts existed in the wild west and the places stil exist there. luky was sold trough the world damn well and, of course , in portugal by the thousands and everybody treated as you(tu), was born in france and passed in the west

Monday, April 13, 2009

the main thinkers of the world:germans and americans

until 300 years ago the main philosphers were italians, then rose the germans, scotish and french and until 100 years ago deutschland uber alles and since then its america and those who live there. of course there´s still italians, spanish, french, austrians, germans and britts. but the wide majorety live in america

Thursday, April 9, 2009

frank lloy wright :a selfmademan

chicago school were engineers graduated in french politécnic not beaux arts school and so they build the first sky-scrapers in chicago, among them was llouis sullivan and in this late´s ateliê started frank lloy wright and not in a arts school and stil is considerated one of the topest arichects in the world but in portugal you to sign an architec project you need, since a wilde a go, to have a architec diploma passed by a architec school and only here this apens

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ukraine:a country created by the soviets

the tzar was of al russias and russia was borned from the kiev kingdom created by the varegues which were the swedish vikings. but, as it is also from universal history, a great part of this country created by the soviets was part of poland until the xviii century when russia, prussia and austria partited poland among themselfs and so poland disapeared temporarily

pensions and hotels:turists chose pensions

tv bombard us with hotels talk but in reality foreign turists prefer pensions where they can be in close touch with real folks from the lands wehre their staing cause they´re interested in real life and not what apears in tv like brazilian telenovelas

metro de superficie del porto :obras de sntªengrácia

hace 20 años fernando gomes gañou el ayuntamiento de porto para el ps e veio c. la idea del metro de superficie e esto tuvo 20 anos para llegar a stºovidio, gaia, e vá a levar mas 10 años para llegar a s.joão da madeira e vila da feira adonde mucha gente trabaja e estudia en porto todos los dias. este é 1 explo d´obras de sntªengracia en portugal pues llevan muchos años a se tronar realdia mas c/o son los europeos q pagan e sobretudo los alemanes tudo está bien. és c/o io digo los burros tienen cuñas para los burros en portugal

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

john nash esquizofrenico e nobel:beautiful mind

já vi em 01 o filme mente brilhante(beautiful mind)no cinema, qd ainda toda a gente neste pais se tratava por tu c/o sp aconteceu. adorei, fantastico. o john ainda é vivo lá n´america, é verdade q é esquizofrenico , q é prof de matematica, q foi nobel d´economia c. as suas teses matematicas e isto é 1 explo de q tudo é possivel especial/ lá o pais onde toda a gente pode recomeçar do zero e q foi feito por gente de todo mundo

Monday, April 6, 2009

benidorm e algarve :los estudantes portugueses

durante generaciones los estudantes portugueses finalistas costumvan ir , en la pascua, 1 semana para o algarve ou, entonces, para, benidorm e en esta quadra este pueblo español era interamente portugués e toda la gente se tutuiava. ahora los estudantes van a loret del mar e esta terra queda portuguesa duarante 1 semana en esta quadra

japan and germany stil the bigest expoters of the world

germany is the bigest exporter of the world, it had a 15% fall but stil exportes nearly 85% and every weekend , this for many years, 500 000 germans flock by plane to baleares in mediterranean spain. japan has the same scenary it had a fall in 20% of its exportes but stil exportes 80% and thei´ve got the bigst savings of the world nearly 15 trilion dolares . bouth german and japan technoligies are stil of the world´s topest tecnhologies

peticion para q la edv(entre douro-e-vouga)tienga transportes publicos todos los dias , dia e noche

em s.joão da madeira todos los dias trabajavan c. de 60000 personas, ahora esto és passado pq todo a cerrado e hay mucho desempleo e mucha emigracion pero aqui continuan estudiando muchos chicos, durante el dia, e de todas las edads a la noche qd non ai transportes publicos. en la zona industrial d´oliveira dá zemeis, c. de santiago de riba-ul(o.azemeis)trabaja mucha gente dia e noche de toda esta region pero tb a la noche non hay autobus e trabajan dia e noche de modo q tienen q tener coche. la edv és composta por los ayuntamentos de arouca, vale de cambra, oliveira d´azemeis, vila da feira

ecologia, queda de venda de coches e transportes publicos en portugal

ya qd era chico escuchava en l prensa fascista portuguesa la nessecidad de preservar la naturaleza para todos los hijos e nietos mensage q ahora non se esccucha en la tv e radio portuguesas. en europa hace muchos años q és sp 1 semana sin coches, ellos tienen autobus, comboio e metro para todo lado e por esto la venda de coches ay qualido quasi 30% pero en portugal oy quase todos tienen coches pq los transportes son mui malos. assi non ay comboio e autobus para todo lado dia e noche sobretodo a la noche qd non ay autobus fuera de cidads c/o porto e lisboa, los comboios regionales non trabajan de noche solo de dia

bbc:la tv mas vista del mundo

este año hace 80 años q bbc hay começado con la tv e és la mas vista del mundo. gente de todo el mundo trabaja aqui, tiene directos de qualquier parte del planeta, non hay censura, reporteros en todos los cantos de la tierra. tudo se debate, nada és tabu

Sunday, April 5, 2009

o café em portugal

no café o empregado era o garçon, os cafés + antigos portugueses aidna sabem o q é a toillette q é francês e universal pois usa-se em todas as linguas. as pessoas normais tratam-se por tu c/o sp trataram e tb os empregados tratavam por tu todos os clientes e 1 boa parte do trabalho destes sp foi conversar c. os clientes, conversar de tudo, e por isto tb tinham muita cultura geral pois aqui falava-se de tudo

Saturday, April 4, 2009

mademoiselles d´avignon first cubist painting

2 yers ago this painting made 100 years begining the cubism. it was painted in paris but its being in the moma in new york for quiet a while. les mademoiselles were hookers and avignon was a bad reputation street in barcelona. to make this picture picasso inspired himself in the african and oceânic art

africa, oriente and the west :some reflections

west parteted africa and colected her art and so lots of museums and private colectors got fill with african art and you could se this not long ago in every portuguese library when they were calouste gulbenkian but this is vanished since the libraries became municipal in portugal. its also from universal history that when america forced japan to opn up to the world the west colected also her arts. al this is registered, its in al universal history

Friday, April 3, 2009

montesquieu :baron e la % tripartida del poder

c/o és de la hist.universal montesquieu era francés, era el tp del aufklarung, e filosofo e hay venido c. la % tripartida del poder, ou sea el executivo, el legislativo e el judiciario e esta division está presente en todo el mundo dd el liberalismo. e tb , c/o és dela hist.universal, qd ay hecho esto estava pensando en los britânicos

Thursday, April 2, 2009

la ii guerra mundial, los pueblos del deserto, el té a la ignorância de los portugueses de hoy

qd era chico, en el fascismo portuguès, ya sabia, pq lia e via en el cine e tv fascista q los aliados e los alemanes en el deserto de libia iban con cantiles llenos de té caliente ou tempido a la guerra se matar entre si.jamas levavan augua e nesto emitavan a los pueblos del deserto q solo beben cosas tepidasd e calientes por causa de la desidratacion, del suor, de la sede e assi no tene nunguna destas cosas. oy persona en portugal sabe desto, q toda la gente sabia pq iba al cine a ver peliculas de 11 guerra mundial, pq lia, la gente bebe cosas frescas, transpiran, suan e tienen q beber mas e se desidratan e comigo esto non se passa pq non bebo cosas frescas con el calor

la hora portuguesa :hora londrina e esta la hora de berlim

antiga/ quien ouia radio en portugal escuchava a bbc e acertava la hora por el big ben , q queda en el westminster abey sede del parlametno britânico en el rio tamisa. pero la bbc, q queda sendo la tv mas vista en el mundo e q hay começado con esta, tiene sp la hora de berlim, de jerusalem, de moscovo. assi en londres a las hocho de la mañana todo el mundo começa a trabajar qd son las nueve de berlim e la hora de madrid, roma, paris, bruxelas és tb la hora de berlim

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

las sociedads contemporâneas ;tp del ciudadano

las sociedads actuales salidas de las revoluciones del siglo xviii todos somos ciudadanos pues existe el sufragio universal, directo e secreto e c. la maioridad toda la gente actinge la ciudadania llena. non solo para los nacionales pero tb para el estrangero qd se naturaliza ciudadano en el pais en q reside. eudacion, salud son para todos e son pagas con los impostos, salvo en portugal, pagos por todos