Wednesday, April 29, 2009

portuguese crisis ,libraries , movies and trasnlations

not long ago libraries were gulbenkian in portugal and everybody treated as you(tu), generations read time in english and paris-match in french that now you on´t find there. you´ll go to a bookstores everybody treated as you(tu). libraries became municipla and apeared você and sir, there´s você in books translated in portugal.
movies you see in the shopings and are a monopoly and you can´t smoke in the intermission while not long ago cinema belonged toa person , to a group of friends, in the intermission everybody wented to smoke in the bar and hall and it was you(tu).
well portuguese in its wide majorety know english for we had in public school and to study at night trough the british council with exame corrected in cambridge and so the wide majorety, of al ages treating as you(tu)studied for generacions and so portuguese fed up of cons go to amazon and buy booksd and movies witout translation and so portuguese translations of books and movies are in crisis for nothing is sell. i put a cunha trough a friend from politics to make translations of movies but nothing apened for in this country they get cunhas(splits) for the asses that don´t know nothing

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