Wednesday, April 29, 2009

café is dead in portugal

the café employee was the garçon, in the old caffé the seniors barmans stil know what is the toilete but now this is memory cause portuguese are teached by portuguese tv that teachs você(which is the horses stable for the majorety of portuguese) and there´s stil tobaco law which folks don´t know how to read for it isn´t forbettin to smoke cause the law is opcional and if you have space, exaustacion, outside contact or ventilacion you can smoke, folks don´t read , don´t know portuguese these days and so many cafés are bankrupt since the tobaco ban. the haverage client stil is you(tu) in any cafe , the barmans treat as you(tu) or sir but even the café employées treated all clients as you(tu) . what it apens is that folks nowardays are teached by telenovelas , by tvportuguese

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